pdf | | | Author:unknow

( Category: Theosophy January 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Rudolf Steiner [Steiner, Rudolf]

* * * [*] The combination, “self-conscious image consciousness,” may appear odd, but it probably best expresses the state of affairs. If one wished, one could also say, “image self-consciousness.” ...
( Category: Theosophy July 31,2023 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:C.W. Leadbeater [Leadbeater, C.W.]

The two higher elemental kingdoms exist and function respectively upon the higher and the lower levels of the mental plane; but we are not at the moment concerned with them. ...
( Category: Theosophy July 31,2023 )
pdf | | 2022-05-31 | Author:Rudolf Steiner [Steiner, Rudolf]

( Category: Theosophy July 31,2023 )
epub |eng | 1996-01-06 | Author:Rudolf Steiner

A question is asked regarding music lessons given to a seventeen-year-old girl. RUDOLF STEINER: The essential thing is what Mister Baumann has already presented to us.1 With the beginning of ...
( Category: Theosophy February 27,2023 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2017-09-15 | Author:Godfre Ray King [Ray King, Godfre]

CHAPTER VI Buried Cities of the Amazon A SHORT time later, I was working intently one evening, when I heard Saint Germain's voice distinctly. "Be ready," he said, "tonight at ...
( Category: New Age Mysticism October 22,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-02-29 | Author:Bailey, Alice A. [Bailey, Alice A.]

2—That mysterious something called by H. P. B. Fohat, of which some of the manifestations are electricity, certain forms of light, and the magnetic fluid wherever encountered. 3—The fire of ...
( Category: Occultism July 28,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-05-30 | Author:Alice A. Bailey [Alice A. Bailey]

2. To transfer or transmute the forces of the lower centres, which control the personality, into the energies of the centres above the diaphragm, which respond automatically to the inspiration ...
( Category: Theosophy July 28,2020 )
epub |eng | 2013-11-07 | Author:G. R. S. Mead [Unbekannt]

With section 27, however, all is changed; we are introduced to the picture of a man burning with enthusiasm to communicate, if not the direct teaching itself, at any rate ...
( Category: Hermetism & Rosicrucianism June 30,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-06-15 | Author:Thomas Poplawski

We cannot help but notice how the performers do not so much walk or run but float across the stage. We sense a breathing relaxedness, a lightness, and a freedom ...
( Category: Classical June 29,2020 )
epub |eng | 2013-12-09 | Author:C. W. Leadbeater [Unbekannt]

I have seen a clairvoyant use instead of the ordinary shining surface a dead black one, produced by a handful of powdered charcoal in a saucer. Indeed it does not ...
( Category: ESP March 23,2020 )